Vertiv AutoView 1x8 KVM Switch - 1 user, 8 systems, AutoView console switch, 1600 x 1200 픽셀
Vertiv AutoView 1x8 KVM Switch - 1 user, 8 systems, AutoView console switch. 최대 해상도: 1600 x 1200 픽셀. 무게: 1.91 킬로그램. 전력 공급 유형: 100~240V 8.0W, 크기(가로x세로x높이): 437 x 156.1 x 45 밀리미터, 호환성: IBM PC/AT, PS/2 and 100% compatibles, VGA, SVGA, (XGA and XGA II with adaptor), 1600x1200 @72 Hz...